Meet Iva

Iva is 32 years old, works as a hotel receptionist in Miami, Florida, and has big dreams to travel all over the world. She was diagnosed with ITP in 2015, and while she felt frustrated and challenged by the diagnosis, she found comfort in listening to music and surrounding herself with family and friends.

Good Days

Iva ultimately found meaning in learning to be patient and consistent with her schedule, even though ITP gives her good days and some that are just a little bit tougher.

“The advice I would give to people living with ITP is to follow their dreams.”

Keep Moving

On her best days, Iva loves to work full-time and thinking positive thoughts rather than focusing on ITP. Iva says she lives life with the goal to do and be better every day. If she could go back and tap her younger self on the shoulder, she’d say, “Keep moving on in your life, and do better for the future.”

Looking Ahead

For Iva, that future is visiting every country in the world—especially Spain for its food, culture, and people—and to stand by the health of her friends and family.

iva's video poster

My Advice

“I would give the advice to all the people living with ITP to never give up on their life and follow their dreams.”